Innovative Metrics Can Be Both Good and Bad

Innovative Metrics Can Be Both Good and Bad

In the early days of your current job, you decided which metrics to track. You expected that as your graphs improved, your customers, stakeholders, or higher-ups would see and appreciate significant increases in the value they received. At the start of each new year,...
The Primary Tool for Growth Is Innovation

The Primary Tool for Growth Is Innovation

Recently, both inflation and labor reports have indicated that the likelihood of a recession is declining. An improved economy means business leaders can take one eye off economic risk and increase their focus on growth (total revenue and earnings before interest,...
OEMs Need a SWAT Team to Keep Improving

OEMs Need a SWAT Team to Keep Improving

Do you feel calm and relaxed when you walk out to your car in the evening? When you get home, are you ready to deal with the typical family and household issues, or do you want to be left alone in a quiet corner? It is usually the latter if you have a bad day in the...