The Primary Tool for Growth Is Innovation

The Primary Tool for Growth Is Innovation

Recently, both inflation and labor reports have indicated that the likelihood of a recession is declining. An improved economy means business leaders can take one eye off economic risk and increase their focus on growth (total revenue and earnings before interest,...
Industrial Success Depends on Trust and Respect

Industrial Success Depends on Trust and Respect

This is why it is critical for your company and your customer-facing team to have earned the trust and respect of your prospects. Industrial products and services are complex. Using complex products results in numerous business outcomes. Some outcomes are not tangible...
A Superb Read to Help You Move Your Business Ahead

A Superb Read to Help You Move Your Business Ahead

If you want to improve quality, cut costs, and get better outcomes, then you should read the book I just read about how to improve patient outcomes, cut medical expenses, and prevent many deaths in the surgery suite and the ICU. The book which changed my outlook on...
Why Unhappy Customers are a Gift

Why Unhappy Customers are a Gift

Has the number of unhappy customers calling your business increased? When a company reaches a maturity level where they do not oversell products and services but instead deliver slightly more than promised, and when they finally make a mistake, they recover quickly...