When Your Organization Joins A Temporary Team

When Your Organization Joins A Temporary Team

In Customer Service, we fixate on retaining our key employees. These are usually our customer-facing folks with years of history with our customers and tons of irreplaceable product knowledge. And we think our relationship with our customers makes us all part of a...
The Trouble With Customer Journey Maps

The Trouble With Customer Journey Maps

A recent Google search of the term “Customer Journey Maps” (CJM) turned up 5.3 million results. This indicates that journey mapping is widespread and is probably getting more popular every day, So I decided to share some of the limitations of journey mapping with you...
Loyalty – How Should You Measure It?

Loyalty – How Should You Measure It?

When I was a kid growing up in Brooklyn, my mother always told me, “actions speak louder than words.” I would say, “OK,” and then forget about it until she next mentioned it. One day a kid in my class picked a fight with me, and I overpowered...