Customer Retention; Handcuffs or Hugs?

Customer Retention; Handcuffs or Hugs?

About 80% of revenue and profit for most businesses comes from existing customers.  For start-ups and fast-growing new businesses, this obviously is not the case.  And for many established businesses in slow-growing segments, the percentage can be well over 80%....
What is Customer Retention?

What is Customer Retention?

While this sounds like a simple question, it should provoke several thoughts that will help you get your arms around this concept, which is critical to the long-term growth of a business. Let’s start with Wikipedia. It defines customer retention as the activity...
5 Leading Indicators of Organic Growth

5 Leading Indicators of Organic Growth

To maximize organic growth, businesses must acquire new customers and get existing customers to stay with them and buy more products and services. Sounds simple. If it were, though, we wouldn’t hear so much about businesses declaring bankruptcy or planning layoffs....
Are Your Customers Satisfied? Yes…Too Bad

Are Your Customers Satisfied? Yes…Too Bad

The growth engine for most businesses is a combination of repeat customers and referrals. Unfortunately, satisfied customers generally do not make referrals. They are easily switched to a new supplier by lower price, better (more convenient) location, coupons, or even...