by Sam Klaidman | Apr 1, 2013 | Customer Loyalty
A brand exists in the minds of prospects and customers and is heavily influenced by our positive memories. It is the sum of all expectations plus all perceptions of experiences. However, some expectations and experiences no longer remain in our brains because most of...
by Sam Klaidman | Mar 13, 2013 | Customer Loyalty
We all seem to spend our days either making decisions or sitting in meetings, where we frequently wind up making decisions. We have all the facts we need for many of these decisions or know where to get them. For the rest, we have to make assumptions. In the case of...
by Sam Klaidman | Feb 11, 2013 | Customer Loyalty
Nowadays, every business seems to focus on customer loyalty by measuring and managing their Net Promoter Score®. Individuals at all levels receive a bonus to improve their results every month, quarter, or year. Business units are going down the polo shirt and coffee...
by Sam Klaidman | Dec 27, 2012 | Customer Loyalty
The growth engine for most businesses is a combination of repeat customers and referrals. Unfortunately, satisfied customers generally do not make referrals. They are easily switched to a new supplier by lower price, better (more convenient) location, coupons, or even...
by Sam Klaidman | Dec 26, 2012 | Customer Loyalty
In December 2012, I wrote a blog post about the need to exceed your customer’s expectations. Since then, I have studied a lot about customer experience (CX) and its impact on business results. To that end, I recently read a very insightful Accenture article that...
by Sam Klaidman | Dec 26, 2012 | Customer Loyalty
One of the challenges facing executives today is having quality information to make informed business decisions. The problem isn’t the lack of data but often the design of the tool used to acquire the data. Executives need to ask themselves a serious question: Am I...