The world has undoubtedly changed since COVID-19 struck. One thing it did was speed up changes that had been on our radar screen. Now it seems likely that these five trends (in alphabetical order, not necessarily in order of importance) will guide the future of aftermarket industrial service:
- Aging Workforce
- Circular Economy
- Climate Change
- New business models (like XaaS)
- Touchless Service
What is not known is how must each of these trends will impact any specific industry or company.
On January 14, 2021, Thomas Insights published our article, Your Roadmap for Responding to the 5 Global Trends Driving the Future of Aftermarket Service, which discusses this subject and shows the steps you can take to take advantage of these trends.
To put these trends into context, read this article The New Business Roundtable Statement on the Purpose of a Corporation and its Implications to Service Executives
About Middlesex Consulting
Middlesex Consulting helps our B2B product manufacturing clients grow their services revenue and profitability by applying the methodologies and techniques associated with Customer Value Creation and Customer Experience professions to assist its clients in designing and commercializing new services and the associated business transformations. Contact Sam here.
Image by Hans Braxmeier from Pixabay
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