by Sam Klaidman | Dec 26, 2012 | Customer Loyalty
One of the challenges facing executives today is having quality information to make informed business decisions. The problem isn’t the lack of data but often the design of the tool used to acquire the data. Executives need to ask themselves a serious question: Am I...
by Sam Klaidman | Dec 8, 2012 | Customer Loyalty
People initiate satisfaction and loyalty tracking programs for one simple reason – they want to know what their customers think. Maybe about their company, products, services, or perceived value being delivered to customers. But, while they may suspect the answers,...
by Sam Klaidman | Dec 8, 2012 | Customer Value Creation
When you read the title of this article, did you ask yourself: Why should I worry about changing my business? I am successful at doing what I’ve always done for customers who will purchase what they always buy. That is precisely the point. Business today is very...
by Sam Klaidman | Oct 22, 2012 | Growth
The service contract is a crucial source of revenue and customer satisfaction in the high-tech world. The seller promises certain benefits to the buyer and has a solid financial reason to honor these promises continuously. The buyer has specific ongoing needs that...