Innovative Metrics Can Be Both Good and Bad

Innovative Metrics Can Be Both Good and Bad

In the early days of your current job, you decided which metrics to track. You expected that as your graphs improved, your customers, stakeholders, or higher-ups would see and appreciate significant increases in the value they received. At the start of each new year,...
Service Pricing Is Different from Product Pricing

Service Pricing Is Different from Product Pricing

If you are responsible for pricing in an OEM business, you have three major revenue streams: finished products, spare parts, and services and service contracts. In the life science business and a few others, most of your income and profit comes from selling a fourth...
Unlock Growth from Your Installed Base

Unlock Growth from Your Installed Base

If you make tangible products and have been in business for more than seven or eight years, you have legacy products in your installed base. That is fine because industrial OEMs expect after-sales service to generate eight to 10 times the original sales revenue during...