Do You Have a Replacement Strategy for Customer-Facing Employees?

As a result of the Covid-19 pandemic plus the current rate of workforce aging, we are all experiencing a significant turnover in our workforce.  Some people call it “The great crew change.”  Whatever you call it, you will need to replace and upgrade a significant portion of your workforce.  So, hire for attitude and train for skills – including reskilling your remaining team.

In this new article for Field Service News, Sam Klaidman, Founder and Principal Adviser at Middlesex Consulting, analyzes the advantages of hiring for attitude and training for skills.

And to learn more about the overall problem, read an article I published In the May 5, 2021, issue of Thomas Insights, The Silver Tsunami: As Older Employees Plan for Retirement, It’s Time to Plan for the Future of Your Workforce.

To discuss this topic further, please get in touch with Sam.

Image by Gerd Altmann  from Pixabay