Switching costs, or the costs associated with a buyer changing suppliers, products, or vendor brands, can substantially impact industrial business. While typically calculated in monetary losses, switching costs can also involve lost time and effort investments. Switching costs are only substantial when judged against other options like keeping the status quo or choosing among multiple opportunities.

On the one hand, companies that offer products or services that are very easy to duplicate at comparable prices by competitors typically have low switching costs. These are commodities like Phillips screwdrivers, entry-level cars, most televisions, and many banking services.

This article first appeared on Thomas Insights. To read the complete article, click here.

To read another article about switching costs, click here, and about service revenue growth, click here.

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Middlesex Consulting is an experienced team of professionals with the primary goal of helping capital equipment companies create more value for their clients and stakeholders. Middlesex Consulting continues to provide superior solutions to meet the needs of its clients by focusing on our strengths in Services, Manufacturing,  Customer Experience, and Engineering. If you want to learn more about how we can help your organization grow service revenue, please contact us or check out some free articles and white papers here