Good News, Bad News

The good news is that most things that can go wrong in a manufacturing process are under your control. You can achieve your desired outcome by identifying, measuring, and improving all your unique processes.

The bad news is that one area not yet under your control is a machine failing and stopping all or some of your processes. Furthermore, you know that Murphy’s Law is working on every production floor and that a device will fail when it creates the most chaos, confusion, stress, and problems for you and your team.

Fortunately, new and legacy production machines can be outfitted with effective predictive maintenance systems!

This table shows what is needed to obtain minimum downtime:

Predictive maintenance needs other things for minimum downtime

The article was published on January 20, 2022, at Thomas Insights. To read, tap here.

Here is a related article about Predictive Maintenance.

About Middlesex Consulting

Middlesex Consulting is an experienced team of professionals with the primary goal of helping capital equipment companies create more value for their clients and stakeholders. Middlesex Consulting continues to provide superior solutions to meet the needs of its clients by focusing on our services, customer experience, manufacturing, and engineering strengths. If you want to learn more about how they can help your organization improve your revenue creation processes, please contact them directly via email or check out some of our free articles and white papers here

Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay