Several friends and business associates recently said, “Sales of my new product or service are not meeting my forecast, and I am nervous.”

At the same time, I talked with two people from companies who jointly started a new business. When I asked them about validating their basic assumptions about who will buy from them and how much they are willing to pay, I received the famous “glassy eye stare.”

These people invested much time, effort, and money because they believed their BS.

They did not recognize that their high-level decision-making was flawed — they were not using inputs from their customers even though the decisions were related to these people.

To read the rest of the article, click here.

This article was published on Thomas Insights on May 12, 2021

Related article, Make Decisions Based on Data, Not Opinions

About Middlesex Consulting

At Middlesex Consulting, we partner with the field service teams of B2B capital equipment companies challenged to grow their top and bottom lines. We use value creation, services marketing, and customer experience techniques to identify and create service offers that achieve customers’ desired business outcomes. To discuss how we can grow your business write to Sam here.

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